SSC GD Re Medical date 2020 is scheduled from 24/08/2020 to 10/09/2020 New Medical Test & Process -


SSC GD Re Medical date 2020 is scheduled from 24/08/2020 to 10/09/2020 New Medical Test & Process

SSC GD Re Medical date 2020 is scheduled from 24/08/2020 to 10/09/2020 New Medical Test & Process


SSC GD Re Medical date 2020 is scheduled from 24/08/2020 to 10/09/2020 E-Admit card for shortlisted candidates have been uploaded on CRPF website

latest updated on - 14 August 2020 on

Important Notice regarding Detailed Medical Examination (DME) of Constable (GD) in CAPFs, NIA & SSF and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles Examination, 2018 pdficon (530.07 KB)

Subject:-Constables (GD) in CAPFs, NIA & SSF and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles Examination, 2018 – Conduct of Detailed Medical Examination (DME) - regarding.

 A copy of the Important Notice received from the Directorate General, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) is attached herewith for information of the candidates of aforesaid Examination. Under 

Secretary (C-1/2)


Central Reserve Police Force F. No. A.VI-1/2018-Rectt(SSB)-CT/GD-2018 (Nodal Force) 
Important Notice 
In continuation to CRPF Notice dated 17/07/2020.

2. The Detailed Medical examination of 1,724 qualified candidates (including petitioners of Kerala High Court) is scheduled from 24/08/2020 to 10/09/2020 and E-Admit card for shortlisted candidates have been uploaded on CRPF website 
3. Candidates are advised to download their E-Admit card from the link available on Recruitment Section of CRPF website. 
4. All candidates are directed to bring printed copy of E-Admit card at the time of DME. Candidates will not be permitted for DME without Admit Card. They should also bring the original documents for checking by the Board of officers.
 5. Besides above, candidates will also strictly adhere following directions in purview of COVID-19 pandemic situation :
(a) Wearing a face mask at all times will be compulsory for candidates at Recruitment Centre.
(b) All candidates should download the Arogya Setu app which will be checked at entry point.
(c) Candidates should also carry sanitizers with them.
(d) Maintaining a minimum distance of 2 Mtr. between candidates will be mandatory.
(e) Body temperature of all candidates will be checked at entry gate, only candidate having normal temperature will be allowed. Hence, if any candidate suffering from fever or having symptoms of COVID-19, under quarantine period or coming from containment zone should contact immediately on following helpline numbers before reporting at Recruitment Centre for further directions :
011- 26160255, 26160256, 26160259 and 26160260

(f) Besides, any other instructions/ guidelines issued by Central/State Govt authorities as a preventive measure to curb spread of COVID-19 pandemic may also be strictly followed.


 CRPF 13/08/2020


latest updated on -22 July 2020 on

SSC GD Re-medical dates were shifted due to the Corona Virus Pandemic. Now the aspirants are waiting for the new medical dates.
We are keeping an eye on the official portal and we will provide you with the new exam dates when they are released officially. Board will also release the Re-Medical admit card along with the medical dates.

old notice - posted on 22-7-2020 on


 Old notice posted on  :-  25th june 2020


What’s After the final selection ? 

The aspirants who pass all the stages of exam will be selected as Constable in Border Security Force (BSF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), Secretariat Security Force (SSF) and Rifleman (General Duty) in Assam Rifles, Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), National Investigation Agency (NIA).

Medical Eligibility for GD

Visual Acuity UnaidedUncorrected Visual Acuity
Near VisionDistant Vision
Better EyeWorse EyeBetter EyeWorse Eye
N6N96 / 66 / 9
RefractionColor Vision
Visual correction of any kind is not permitted even by glassesCP-III BY
If you have any questions related to the GD constable new medical dates then please leave a comment in the box below.

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