The similarity between Martin Luther King and Gandhi ji was that both. , Martin Luther’s Army ,The ‘Black power’ militants: -


The similarity between Martin Luther King and Gandhi ji was that both. , Martin Luther’s Army ,The ‘Black power’ militants:

Read each of the passage given below and answer the question that follow.


Martin Luther King’s active career extended from 1957 to 1968. During this brief career he led numerous protest demonstration in the south as well as in the north of the USA. He challenged the rights of the Negro. He hated the eye-for-an-eye of no-violence - a weapon, said king that cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals’.  And he raised a vast army. It was an army that would move but not maul. It was an army to storms bastions of hatred, to lay siege to the fortress of segregation, to surround symbols of discrimination. It was an army whose allegiance was to God and whose strategy and intelligence were the eloquently simple dictates of conscience. His creed of non-violence was criticized and challenged by ‘Black power’ militants who would not renounce the use of violence to achieve their goals. Nevertheless, his faith in non-violence never wavered.

1. The similarity between Martin Luther King and Gandhi ji was that both.

  1. Fought for the right of the Negros 

  2. Fought for the right of untouchables 

  3. Were demagogues

  4. Had firm in non-violence 

Answer :-Had firm in non-violence 

2. Martin Luther’s Army 

  1. Invaded the seats of white power and authority 

  2. Singed the fortress of white Pride and Glory 

  3. Evolved a strategy to overthrow the white regime and replace it by a black regimen

  4. Fought against hatred, segregation ad all kinds of discrimination.

Answer :-Fought against hatred, segregation ad all kinds of discrimination.

3.  Martin Luther king appealed to the conscience of White Americans by: 

  1.  Preaching against them 

  2. Highlighting their discriminatory attitude towards the Blacks

  3. Questioning their self - righteousness

  4. Appealing to the international organizations against their exploitation.

Answer :-Highlighting their discriminatory attitude towards the Blacks

4. The ‘Black power’ militants:

  1. Were jealous of Martin Luther King’s popularity 

  2. Did not approve to martin Luther’s commitment to non-violence.

  3. Believed in a violent revolution

  4. Did not participate in the movement led by Martin Luther king

Answer :-Did not approve to martin Luther’s commitment to non-violence.

5. The phrase ‘move but not maul’ refers to an army that would: 

  1. Move forward and never look back

  2. Defeat the White forces in the battlefield

  3. Make the White forces surrender by over powering them

  4. Appeal to the conscience of the White Americans without hurting them

Answer :-Appeal to the conscience of the White Americans without hurting them


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